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Data Export Help Page

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or scroll down for tutorial on exporting to dji format

REQUIRES VERSION 2.212 or higher of MDB2000 to run correctly
Check your software for the version # (on first screen when you start it)
If you need to update click here

MDB2000 software NOW EXPORTS to DJ Intelligence format!
Supports easy importing of Promo Only and Top Hits USA

Please PRINT this page for quick reference if you like.

This page is here to assist you in EXPORTING your database
into DJI import format from MDB2000 Software

Yes, we can import your current database into MDB2000 
from most formats - just email it to for a quote

Demo versions are limited to 1000 songs maximum
until you pay for an unlock code here

HOW TO EXPORT DATA (step by step)

Run the MDB2000 Software

Click on

Click the Printout/Export Button


OR if you have never created a report
you will see the create report details screen

Select EXPORT from this menu
and choose export to DJ Intelligence format from the menu

Choose the categories that you wish to export.

Artist and Song Title need to be exported and matched up.
You can then optionally choose up to 4 more categories at this time.

Choose "DO NOT EXPORT" if you don't want to export that category.

Note: The basic categories of export for MDB2000 are matched above for
easy reference.

After EXPORTING your file will be saved in the location you installed MDB2000
which is usually c:\program files\mdb2000 folder
The filename is djix.txt


Please visit for technical support on working with their software
or additional questions on importing after you have created the djix.txt file.

Our support is ONLY for program errors or if you do not understand any of the above.
Thank you.

Currently this feature is included FREE in the current version of MDB2000
It may at a future date change to an add-on at about $10.00 per copy
but it will remain FREE for those who purchase our MDB2000 software today.

Please direct any ideas or feedback to Thanks!


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